pokemon & black cats
Everyone is playing Pokemon and there is a black cat in the window watching the zombies with me. The woman in front of me is in stripes and wet hair and we all know where and what she's coming from at 11:16 pm this fine evening. It really is a very fine tempered evening.
A couple is laughing next to me, the man sees me, but barely, and I don't care if anyone laughs at me again because I finally understand that I'm invisible. I can move like a ghost right through you all and point out all your secrets you thought were hidden.
There is an older woman waiting and a younger woman eating sushi, both sitting on a bench at the Jefferson Street L train station right now, at 11:18 pm, waiting for the same train as me. I pace back and forth at the end of the platform, waiting, just like them. I thought my train was coming but I'm drunk and have been confusing the subway construction lights for my train's headlights. According to the clock I have a few minutes before its arrival, but I feel the breeze in the back of my knees from the opposite track and now see mine too.
I'm still hungry and I feel bad because he thought I said lie down when I really did say something about fireworks. I guess the lie down could have been the same thing. Oh, well.